5 Questions with Jon Polley

5 Questions with Jon Polley

Jon Polley felt like a sell-out when, in need of a better salary and a saner schedule, he left his job at a hip Italian bakery to work in one of Pittsburg’s largest hospital canteens. But what initially seemed like a decidedly uncool career move soon proved to be the...
5 Questions with Kirsten Kirby Shoote

5 Questions with Kirsten Kirby Shoote

Kirsten Kirby Shoote doesn’t feel like an activist, but they are all about changing the status quo, whether it’s pushing for cultural responsibility or bending farming laws in the name of sustainability. As an urban farmer, seed keeper, and member of the...
What You’re Getting Wrong About Flavor

What You’re Getting Wrong About Flavor

Everywhere she looks, Arielle Johnson sees a parallel universe. She sees evidence of it every time she watches a chef properly season a piece of meat, or screw up a fermentation. It’s there when the aromas of fresh basil and mint waft off a steaming bowl of pho, or...
5 Questions with Sean Gabbiani

5 Questions with Sean Gabbiani

Asked where he is from, Sean Gabbiani usually responds with “It’s complicated.” Half American, half Italian, born in France and raised in a handful of European cities, the multilingual (six and counting) chef and two-time MAD Academy alum has called many places home,...