
Dive into our collection of articles, essays, and books by chefs and members of the MAD community.

Burning Man

WATCH | Omnivore

In a special interview, René Redzepi explains why he collaborated on the new series Omnivore, and gives MAD the scoop on that mind-bending chile scene

Profits, Non-Profits, and The Dream of A Better Way: A MAD Monday NYC Recap

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What we learned about the compatibility of making money and making change at our MAD Monday in NYC

Show Me The Money

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For a long time, Irene Shiang Li didn’t pay much attention to the numbers. As the chef and co-founder of Mei Mei in Boston, she was far too busy making sure her suppliers showed up on time and the dumplings got made to really go deep on her business’s accounts.…

What You’re Getting Wrong About Flavor

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Flavor scientist and chef-whisperer Arielle Johnson, author of Flavorama, would like to correct a few misconceptions.

MAD Digest | May Issue


Flavor scientist and chef-whisperer Arielle Johnson, author of Flavorama, would like to correct a few misconceptions. Plus an interview with alum Sean Gabbani, and an Academy update.

The Childcare Conundrum

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When McGee’s Scot Irish Pub in Anderson, South Carolina re-opened after the pandemic lockdown, chef and co-owner Dixie Benca found herself facing a new twist on an old problem. Her restaurant, which serves creative pub food, had been in business for more than 25 years, and during that time, she…

Chefs, Spheres, and The Coming Robot Revolution

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What does this new age of automation hold for restaurant kitchens?

How To Be a Non-Conformist

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Freedom. Shame. Metacognition: If you thought Silo was just a zero-waste restaurant, you haven’t met Doug McMaster, one of MAD Academy’s new Resident Faculty members

The Color Code of Conduct

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Six years after a reckoning at her restaurant, Erin Wade talks about the impact of her team's innovative solution to sexual harassment: the color code of conduct.

The Long Game: Guy Savoy

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At 70, Guy Savoy is still cooking, still at his flagship restaurant in the Monnaie de Paris every night it is open, and perhaps most remarkably, still effusive about the joys of the profession.

The Dream of a 40-Hour Work Week

MAD Long reads | Digest

Chef hours have been notoriously extreme for pretty much as long as there have been restaurants. Is that just part of the job or is it a lack of imagination?

The Economy of Desire

MAD Long reads | Digest

Is this the moment when restaurants finally adopt dynamic pricing? And if so, what does it say about us?