Alanna Sapwell

How to Lead in a No-Ego Kitchen

Chef Alanna Sapwell has journeyed through kitchens around the world, experiencing different leadership styles in each. Now as head chef at her own restaurant, it’s her turn to set a new standard.

At ARC Dining, she and her team have established a series of tenets for running their restaurant that include: make thoughtful, delicious and confident food; provide an environment that creates a better-rounded chef; foster focused creativity; no ego; and, always make staff meal a highlight. In a no-ego kitchen, natural leaders emerge, creativity thrives, and no one is above washing the dishes.

This talk is part of the Sydney MAD Monday event on Leadership, 4 November 2019. Sydney MAD Mondays is a collaboration between Carriageworks, MAD, and Kylie Kwong that brings together voices from across the Australian food community for talks on what leadership looks like in our changing world. MAD Mondays are open to the public and held throughout the year and around the globe.


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