Massimo Bottura

Massimo Bottura

Chef, Italy

Cultural Consciousness

Massimo Bottura is the chef behind Osteria Francescana, a three-star-Michelin restaurant in the Medieval city of Modena, Italy. At Francescana, which Bottura opened in 1995, the chef celebrates local producers and cooking traditions from what he characterises as a “critical and not nostalgic point of view.” With dishes like a bollito misto in which the meat is not boiled or a preparation that showcases five textures and temperatures of Parmigiano Reggiano, Bottura encourages change and abstraction while working with the materia prima of his surroundings. An avid collector of contemporary art and vinyl records, Bottura attempts to incorporate these passions into the Francescana experience.

Bottura is the author of Never Trust a Skinny Italian Chef (Phaidon, 2014).


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