Danish Government and MAD Announce the Creation of an Academy

Those of you who joined us in Copenhagen at MAD6 this past August may remember that in our concluding remarks, we talked about the future of MAD. We shared our aspirations to create a new kind of education so members of our industry can gather to expand the ideas generated at our symposia, learn from one another, and continue to push the world of food forward. We dream of creating a vibrant place where students from around the world share their knowledge, learn from lectures and group activities, and collaborate with others who want to see a better future for food and the people who make it.

Today we’re one step closer to seeing that dream become a reality.  

The Prime Minister of Denmark, Lars Løkke Rasmussen, and the Danish Minister of Environment and Food, Jakob Ellemann-Jensen, have declared that they will support us in the establishment of a MAD academy, with a commitment of DKK 25.2 million (USD 3.8 million) over the next four years.

The work begins now. With this new funding, we will begin planning and designing the academy and its course of study. Later this year, we’ll be hosting two intensive pilot programs to begin shaping our curriculum with an eye on the future, when we will accept applicants for immersive courses focused on topics such as leadership and management, environmental sustainability, and how to run a successful business.

We’re incredibly grateful for the support of the Danish Government, as well as to you, our entire community, for believing in MAD in the first place and for your commitment to making this industry—and the world—a better place.

Over the next few weeks, we’ll share how you can be involved in supporting the academy, both here in Copenhagen, and from afar.

The New York Times has published an exclusive feature on this pivotal moment for MAD. Read Julia Moskin’s piece in the Times here.

For further inquiries, interviews, or press photos, please send an email to Anna Küfner (ak@madfeed.co).

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