Letter from Chang

In our first discussion for MAD3, it was clear that we had “guts” on the mind. Not only in the literal sense, but also the strange concoction of fear, courage and conviction needed to make culinary dreams a reality.

Looking at some of the speakers we have lined up for August, we will hear stories about guts in all of sorts of guises:

  • Integrity: believing in something so much that it teeters on the border of insanity.  You have to believe what you think is right, no matter how crazy it may seem.
  • Naiveté: accepting that you’re never going to know enough, but that doesn’t stop you from trying, even if you’ll probably fail.
  • Conviction: understanding that ultimately you really have nothing to lose when making a decision.

I was asked to conjure an image of what I think “guts” is, and all I could think of was Tank Man.  He keeps me humble and makes me realize that we just cook food. Real guts can change the world.

See you in Copenhagen.


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